Here are some ideas for PPC Ads for Unlock the Scrambler. If you're looking for additional ideas of terms to help you promote the Scrambler, we recommend reading through this page:

THIS kills attraction
Avoid These 3 Toxic “attraction killers”…. They are
common, but deadly. (read here)
NEVER Say this
8 things that immediately turn girls off and she loses
attraction for a guy. (read here)
She playing hard to get?
#1 mistake guys make when a girl plays hard to get.
Do THIS instead.
Why girls lose interest
#1 reason a girl will go cold and lose attraction.
Do THIS instead.
In the Friend Zone?
#1 way to get out of the friend zone. Simple trick that
creates attraction. Read article.
Escape the Friend Zone?
#1 way to escape the friend zone. Simple trick creates
attraction fast. Read article.
3 seduction mistakes
These 3 mistakes instantly kill any attraction a girl feels.
AVOID these at all cost.
Girls HATE needy behavior
6 things guys do without realizing it makes them look
needy to girls. Avoid these now.
Put girls on a pedestal?
THIS simple trick knocks a girl off the pedestal and makes
her chase a guy. Discover here.
Why girls fall in love
12 ways to make a girl fall in love (even when she wasn’t
attracted or lost interest)
#1 attraction technique
When a girl loses interest there is one move that
re-sparks attraction. Discover it here.
why girls get bored
#1 reason a girl loses interest in a guy. And a
simple trick re-ignite the chase.
Flirting or Being Nice?
#1 Trick reveals if a girl wants a guy to kiss
her. Try THIS.
Is she interested?
#1 sign that a girl wants a guy to ask for her
number or kiss her.
In the Friend Zone?
#1 sign a girl views a guy as a friend. And a simple
trick to escape the friend zone.
Never say THIS to a girl
8 common things that always lead to the friend
zone. And a simple trick to escape it.
want to date a co-worker?
How to ask a co-worker out without risk of
rejection. This is a simple trick. Read THIS.
want to date a co-worker?
How to ask a co-worker out without risk of
rejection. Read THIS before making a move.
8 friend zone tips
Stop making these 8 major mistakes that lead to
the friend zone.
Change Her Mind
THIS simple trick can make a girl go from no
interested to attracted FAST. Try this
Girl hard to read?
8 odd signs that reveal if she is attracted or
views a guy as a “friend.”
Read a girls mind?
Use this innocent trick to reveal exactly how
attracted she is.
3 texts to never send
AVOID sending these 3 texts. These will kill any
attraction a girl feels.
the “friend zone” trick
THIS innocent trick lets guys quickly escape the
friend zone (without rejection.)
the “friend zone” test
Simple test reveals if a guy is in the friend zone or is a girl
is waiting to be kissed.
Makes her interested?
Can this simple trick force a girl to chase a guy (even when
she wasn’t attracted to him)
7 words to never say
These 7 words always lead to the friend zone speech.
AVOID ever saying them to a girl.