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Email #1:
Subject: Why Girls Don’t Text Back
Has this ever happened to you?
A girl seems interested in you… but when you send her a text she either;
a.) takes forever to text you back, and when she responds its with a short one word answer that displays a complete lack of interest (even though she was clearly into you in person)
b.) she completely ignores your text
I just found this video and it explains exactly why a girl will ignore your text (even if she likes you) and what texts to send to guarantee that she repsonds.
==> Watch the video here
http://www.magneticmessaging.com/go.php?offer=AFFID&pid=1&tid=TRACKIDThe video is pretty scary actually. Because it explains something called “the window of opportunity” and how once it closes the girl is GONE for good.
Take care,
P.S. The video also reveals a sequence of three specific texts you can send that gets a girl anxious to meet up with you
http://www.magneticmessaging.com/go.php?offer=AFFID&pid=1&tid=TRACKIDSubject: FW: Secret to Emotional Texting
Here’s a good lesson on “emotional texting” from my buddy Rob Judge….
I think it clarifies this idea brilliantly below…
As someone who’s done every permutation of men’s dating coaching–from in person to phone to email and Skype–I can confidently say that one of the biggest areas of confusion is the concept of “sparking emotions.” Guys usually mistake this concept for its extremes. They become overly goofy, dramatic, bizarre, or even gushy.
==> Learn the right way to text with Magnetic Messaging
I understand why this is so confusing. As men, we’re not “genetically programmed” to fully understand how to communicate in emotions. Just like none of us are running out to catch the latest Twilight movies or catching up on the latest celebrity gossip, we also don’t necessarily feel a need to communicate with much emotion.
In a way, it’s like learning how to write with the opposite hand. It feels unnatural, weird, and sloppy. Though, if you truly want to master male-to-female communication, learning to communicate emotionally is one of the most important skills you need to hone.
Lucky for all your manly men out there, I have some good news: communicating emotionally is much more “masculine” than you realize. That’s because “emotional communication” is intended to get a woman feeling feminine.
“Feeling feminine.” Consider that phrase. To get a girl to feel feminine, you don’t act feminine. No, you act masculine.
Unfortunately, most guys don’t understand how to act masculine, so they don’t understand how to communicate emotionally. And thus, most guys suck at communicating with women.
==> Learn the RIGHT way to communicate with women, watch this video (Click HERE)
http://www.magneticmessaging.com/go.php?offer=AFFID&pid=1&tid=TRACKIDWhether it’s telling a woman that you had a “cup of coffee brewed by the hand of God” or that you saw a creepy old man on a scooter, you’re always making statements rather asking questions.
The statement is a perfect example of masculine communication because it’s assertive, confident, and “dominates” a conversation. It causes a woman to consider the statement, react, and usually ask a question (all “feminine” responses).
One of the easiest and most effective to wordless evoke her emotions is by using the element of surprise. As Bobby and I point out in Magnetic Messaging, “patterns” are often fatal to keeping the spark alive in relationships. If you and a woman fall into a very predictable pattern then she’ll likely stop feeling the emotions that made her attracted to you in the first place.
Therefore, you absolutely want to avoid patterns! Even if it’s a girl you’re not dating, sometimes doing something “out of character” is the right move. For example, I was recently coaching a guy who was dealing with a “flake.”
This guy was obsessed with trying to elicit this girl’s emotions using crafty text messages. Now, while there’s nothing wrong with that, he could do much more “heavy lifting” by simply using the element of surprise to his advantage. (And no, I’m not advocating “surprising” a woman by jumping out of a closet wearing a ski mask!)
Sometimes “surprising” her can be as simple as going “radio silent” on her for a few weeks and then texting her out of the blue as if nothing happened. Think about yourself: you probably have a few people whom you text with every few days.
Now imagine if one of those people suddenly went AWOL. At first, you probably wouldn’t notice. But after a week or two, likely you’d start to wonder: are they okay? Did I do something to offend them? What happened? Then, when they suddenly text you…BAM! It ignites your emotions!
With women, the end result is magnified. Even if a girl isn’t giving you a response, sometimes going “silent” is what you need to do to “re-charge” her emotions. Moreover, sometimes not answering a text message of hers packs more of an emotional punch than anything you could possibly write.
Don’t be like the guys who just go for the “easy way” or the “quick fix.” Sometimes creating an emotion in a woman takes a bit of creativity and “outside the box” thinking. While using words is the most obvious way to spark an emotion, it’s still only one way. There is a wealth of other ways at your manly disposal to get her feeling “feminine.”
Another “classic” phone game trick is the old “dropped call” cliffhanger. The concept behind this little ninja tactic is to
pretend to drop a call right as you’re telling a woman a story or she’s interested in something you’re saying. Now, this “tactic” can come across very transparent and try-hard if not applied correctly, so use caution.
Yet, the reasoning behind it is sound. You tickle a woman’s emotions and, right as you’re about to give her a “release,” you cut the call short. For those who don’t want to “pretend” to drop a call, you can simple say, “Hey, something just came up…gotta run” and then quickly hang up the phone. Regardless how you do it, abruptly ending a phone conversation or text interaction is another great way to evoke an emotional response in a woman.
As I said, use a little creative thinking to devise your own ways to get a woman feeling feminine and emotional. Indeed, the “tactics” you come up with on your own will probably work the best, since they’re more congruent with your style and personality.
Ultimately, use the examples in this report to further your understanding of emotional communication. Also, you may want to reread some of the “key-lock” examples in Magnetic Messaging. With your expanded understanding of emotional communication, you will probably see more than you did on first reading.
Until then, keep it emotional. Keep it masculine. And keep her feeling feminine!
==> For more examples of Emotional Communication and Texting, check outMagnetic Messaging (free video) by clicking HERE
http://www.magneticmessaging.com/go.php?offer=AFFID&pid=1&tid=TRACKIDEmail Swipe #3
Subject: 3 Deadly Texting Sins (delete these messages NOW)
So I often get A LOT of questions about “Texting”. Here’s the thing- texting is completely different than normal conversation.
(Here is an entire video dedicated to texting)
http://www.magneticmessaging.com/go.php?offer=AFFID&pid=1&tid=TRACKIDBut, I do want to give you some quick tips for texting girls. Because, let’s face it, it is a skill you MUST master. This is
NOT 2002 anymore. You can’t get by without knowing how to spark a woman’s interest, capture her attention, and turn that attention into a meetup- using just a few text messages.
There are three major mistakes most guys make when sending a woman an text message
1. The first message they send doesn’t stand out or introduce any element of their personality. Here is a fact, a woman is LOOKING to disqualify you based on that first text you send a girl. Its easier for her to put her phone away, and NOT message you back. So if you send her a boring, average text that doesn’t engage or excite her- you’re toast.
Most guys send a first texts like “Hey” or “What’s up” or “Nice meeting you cutie”
Let me explain the huge mistake that these texts make; they force HER to come up with a good response to keep the conversation going. She’s too lazy. And the harder you make it for her the less likely she’ll be to respond.
The first text you send a woman has ONE JOB. Put a smile on her face. That’s it. Get her smiling, and feeling good.
You can accomplish this by sending her a funny or flirty remark about the last time you saw her. You can make a funny guess as to what she’s currently doing. There are wide variety of texts that you can send to accomplish this goal. But you MUST make her smile.
2. The second mistake that guys make is trying to start a “text conversation” with her. Texting is not meant for long ‘get to know you’ type conversations. And its ANNOYING when someone keeps messaging you back with more questions forcing you to continue to type responses.
The cell phone is only meant for a condensed, cooler version of real conversation. You can skip the small talk. You can skip the questions. You can skip the formalities. And instead jump right into the fun part. Because if you try to start a text conversation the same way you would a normal in-person conversation you’re not going to get very far.
More than likely after the first “What are you up to?” she will lose interest- and her attention will go back to whatever she was up to before she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone.
3 Text Messages to turn on <== NSFW video
http://www.magneticmessaging.com/go.php?offer=AFFID&pid=1&tid=TRACKID3. The third mistake asking for the date too soon or too late. There is actually an art to how to ask a girl out over text message. And most guys miss the mark completely. Most guys either go straight for date without re-sparking any of the good feelings she felt when you last saw her. Or they re-spark the feelings, but are afraid to pull the trigger and ask her to hang out.
This is why we always recommend that your first text put a smile on a girl’s face. This ensures that she is now paying attention to the next couple messages you send. And puts her in a much better frame of mind to go for the meetup.
These are some tips for how to text a girl. However, its not just knowing what not to write a girl. You’ve also have to learn how to craft short ‘punchy’ messages that keep her attention. You have to know how to cram bits and pieces of your personality into the messages so that she remembers who you are, and why she was attracted to you in the first place. And you also have to know how to blur the line between getting sexual over text and being creepy or perverted.
Let’s face it. There really is an “art” to texting. And if you want to learn the craft then I recommend you watch:
==> watch the Magnetic Messaging Video
http://www.magneticmessaging.com/go.php?offer=AFFID&pid=1&tid=TRACKIDThe video reveals Rob Judge’s “Key Lock Sequence” for turning phone numbers into dates.
P.S. The video also reveals 5 specific texts that “annoy” the hell out of girls. (hint: delete any of these messages before you send them)