Email Swipes

Hi, we’ve put together a variety of different email swipes for affiliates to use to promote Unlock Her Legs. For an overview on the program and the offer click here.

1. “Big Idea” Content Style Swipes: (CLICK HERE)

These swipes contain a “big idea” and provide an “aha” to the reader. The click through rate on these might be lower however, the EPC will be MUCH HIGHER. Plus, it delivers some “good will” to your list by providing them content instead of straight pitch. Although it’s heavy content, the swipes are still designed to whet their appetite and get the click.

2. “Sell the Click” Curiosity Style Swipes: (CLICK HERE)

These swipes use open loops, curiosity, heavy promises to get the click to for them to watch the video sales letter. These usually get higher click through rates.

3. “SOS 3 Email Sequence” Style Swipes: (CLICK HERE)

This is a content heavy 3 email sequence sent as if you are forwarding the messages from Bobby Rio. Its called “The Seduction Trilogy” and has lead to LOTS of sales. And most lists LOVE this content. It delivers “good will” and “pre-sells” the video so that you can expect higher EPCs.

4. “Guest Newsletter” Style Swipes: (CLICK HERE)

These are content heavy swipes that are presented as “guest newsletter” from Bobby Rio. These swipes are good because they provide good content in Bobby Rio’s voice that gets them anxious to watch the sales video. These allow you to continually mail the offer since you’re providing content instead of straight pitches.

5. “Pre-sell Landing Page” Swipes: (CLICK HERE)

These are email swipes that send them to pre-sell articles and videos. These are a great way to mix in articles to your promotions to prevent “VSL repetitiveness.” All of these articles and videos have been tested, and are heavily designed to pre-sell them on watching the sales video. We have profitably run media to these articles (particular the 3 Toxic Mistakes video.)

6. Zip Folder All Swipes: (Download Here)

This is a collection of swipes and includes additional swipes not included on the other pages. The zip folder is organized by category: pre-sell landing pages, click based, big idea, and soap opera sequence)